€249,00 EUR


Neurodiversity Essentials - Autism, ADHD, Sensory, Learning and more...


Neurodiversity Essentials 2024 - November 4th (Mon.) and 5th (Tues.) - 2.30pm-5pm


The research and results from this course speak for themselves. This training has helped over 50+ families, with life-changing results. Read the testimonials to see for yourself. 

What you'll get:

  • Access a safe space for to bring their worries, concerns and questions.
  • Learn about neurodiversity in a neuro-affirmative and positive way, referencing the most up to date research.
  • Receive practical advice on all things neurodivergent or related to child development and neurodiverse parenting.
  • Have their anxieties and stresses reduced.
  • Access simple strategies and adaptations that can be made in the home and in school environments to foster a neuro-informed living and learning experience for your child.
  • Learn about sensory and emotional regulation enabling families to thrive.

What People Are Saying:

Giving us ownership and language around supporting the school and our child’s needs. Just knowing what we can do next

All the information especially hearing from both the psychologists on their experiences and how to help with sensory overload. I preferred it online, I put earphones in and took in a lot more information. Everything was perfect. 5 Stars

Hearing other people going through the same thing. I learned different coping mechanisms. Being online, it’s less daunting and you don’t need to have the camera on which made me feel better. 5 Stars

I got advice and understanding. Made it more easier to understand. Being online makes life easier when have small kids to work around. It was very good. 5 Stars

I loved meeting Lorraine and hearing her talk about her son and seeing others also going through this process and it was great hearing all about other children and how amazing they can do in life with help and school. It's such a nice feeling. I like online as life is very busy at the moment for me. I loved it. 5 stars.”

It was the first time I had heard from autistic people about how their brains worked and their own experiences. I got more understanding and how supports in place at home are so important. I will try to remember what I learned. I found it very good

Really really insightful… helped me understand how my children interpret and navigate the world

The tips for meltdowns, and dark tent, knowing that you're not alone. Feeling reassured. I'm now more understanding to how my child is thinking

Really reassuring hearing from the psychologists. Helped to understand how they interpret and navigate the world.

I think this was a very good programme. I have done others, and this has been by far the best