Emotional Regulation Programme

Learn our proven approach in 10 weeks to change your child's life, which in turn, will change yours. 

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Next programme starting in January 2025. 

Self Paced.

A Calm, Connected Family Experience IS Possible!

Do you need compassionate psychology support, and effective strategies THAT WORK, to help your child with emotional overwhelm, anxiety or difficulties in school?

Do you want to feel confident in what you are doing?

What is Involved?

Listen below to Lorraine tells you a little about what is involved.


What is Emotional Regulation?

Imagine your child's emotions as a roller coaster. Sometimes, the ride is smooth and enjoyable, but other times it has steep drops and sharp turns that can be overwhelming. Emotional regulation is like having a set of controls that help's your child manage this roller coaster ride, so that they don't have to worry, and are able to manage each twist and turn that comes at them. 


Knowing oneself comes from attending with compassionate curiosity to what is happening within.’ 


As Gabor Maté explains, if you want to help your child, you need to know yourself, your regulation, and your child's regulation. If your child is struggling, then learning therapeutic psychology skills will support them, and scaffold their emotional - regulation skills. Gabor is a Hungarian-born Canadian Physician who is also widely recognised for his unique perspective on dysregulation, attention difficulties, and trauma. He advocates healthpractice which focuses on the  connection between mind and body health. Similar to Gabor, we hold the brain - body combination of your child in mind to support calm and engagement. And we want to teach you how to do that too!

Emotional -regulation is something that is ongoing within our body and mind every minute of every day, whether we are aware of it or not. Throughout our day we encounter situations that challenge or upset us. Sometimes we are able to recognise our bodies becoming less regulated and manage our feelings and behaviours to help us get back to a healthy place in a socially acceptable way. Other times, we struggle, become physically aroused, tense, warm, cross and say or do things that surprise us and others. This happens to children all the time because their brain and nervous system hasn't yet developed  - it is immature. Which is to be expected!

While emotional regulation develops naturally over time for many children they need to be scaffolded in their development.

The Emotional Regulation Programme is designed to foster healthy emotional - regulation using a somatic psychology, cognitive and behavioural regulation based approach. 

EPT Clinic's Emotional Regulation programme is implemented by Lorraine O.B. Madden, an award winning psychologist with over 20 years experience supporting children and families across healthcare and educational settings. As a mom of two young, neurodiverse children herself, Lorraine delivers the programme in a fun, accessible way - with a mix of online live sessions and pre-recorded, child frirendly videos.  Parents and caregivers will be given tools and a new language to foster healthy emotional regulation. Psychologists are experts in child development and are experienced in providing therapeutic support using a holistic approach to support children's psychological, social, emotional and behavioural development. 

EPT Clinic's Emotional Regulation Programme can help children with:

  • Social-emotional difficulties
  • Overwhelm and upsets (e.g. meltdowns)
  • Unhelpful behaviour
  • Anxiety 
  • Sensory processing difficulties
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Family stress
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Programme Content

This 10 week programme is carried out online so as to make it accesssible to busy families. 

It involves:

  • An LIVE orientation session in which you'll learn about the programme and what to expect.
  • Eight  LIVE parent coaching and support sessions. These are delivered through interactive, small group sessions, led by Lorraine and the therapy team. In these sessions, you learn about children's emotions and behavioural development, as well as how to use the programme strategies.
  • Over sixteen pre-recorded videos for parents and children to watch together. In these videos your child will learn new regulation and calming skills in a fun, interactive way.
  • A 68 page workbook with activities, visuals, and resources for your child along with x8 emotional regulation skills, and x8 parent handouts. 
  • Visual supports. 
  • Additional tailored support as you require it during the 10 weeks.  

Theoretical Framework

  • Neurodevelopmental and Sensory Informed
  • Somatic (brain-body) Psychology
  • Sensory - Attachment - Trauma Informed
  • Cognitive - Behavioural Therapy (CBT)


Practical Applications 

  • Gives parents the training and skills to support the development of healthy emotional regulation in their children. 
  • Provides family access to an experienced, qualified child and adolescent psychologist and multi-disciplinary team as required. 
  • Enables children to understand and better manage big emotions
  • Improves family life.


Who is it's for?

Children with a developmental age between 5-14 years of age. 

Is the Programme Evidence-Based? Trialled and Proven?

YES! Mastering Regulation, EPT Clinic’s emotional regulation programme was evaluated during a research project with Trinity College Dublin in 2023. Results indicated that the ER programme provides parental relief, and it increases children’s confidence and their ability to regulate their emotions. Parents also reported an improvement in their child’s experience in school and with friends.

Parents were also found to present with improved understanding of their child, their relationship with their child, and their ability to manage difficulties. 

We have also seen the results in the clinic, with over 100 children reporting positive results.


When Can I Start?

Next start date is January 2025

Researched by:

Trinity College Dublin

Why Choose Our Emotional Regulation Programme?

Professional Opinions

"This programme has completely changed the lives of so many children. It has been a cornerstone of my work, helping so many families to better manage overwhelm and anxiety, to build resilience, to cope with challenges and to really thrive."

Bob O'Brien, Senior Psychotherapist


How to Enroll


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Ms. Dowling

"My child finished the emotional regulation programme in EPT today. So welcoming, warm and informative throughout. My daughter relaxed during the sessions and we have taken away lifelong skills, thank you". 

Ms. Doherty

"Fantastic from start to finish. Made my daughter feel comfortable and took the time to tailor the programme to her personality. Definitely recommend this programme for parents looking for support and guidance".


Ms. O'Brien

"Fantastic service.

Brilliant feedback from my child."


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