Speak with Lorraine Directly

Your Emotional Regulation  Neurodiversity Team

 Psychology, Speech and Language and Occupational Therapy Services



Parenting Outside the Ordinary:

Brain – Body Balance for Brillant Kids


Get Started

Working in partnership with:

Multidisciplinary Support


How do I get started with the team?

Join the EPT Membership

Everything you need for parenting outside of the ordinary. Supporting children who are sensitive, autistic, ADHDers, dyslexic or dyspraxic. Helps with sensory, social, mental health, regulation and behavioural needs. 

Weekly support and access to our team. 


I'm not quite ready to join the membership, but I still want to be kept in the loop...


No problem, you can join our FREE community instead. You won't get to speak with the team every week, but you will received lots of really helpful stuff, read below for more.

Join EPT Clinic for Support Now!

By joining our EPT Community, you sign up to our mail list. This is where we send out updates on services and events. You also get exclusive access to upcoming events, early bird rates, plus practical strategies, resources and all the latest from Lorraine and the EPT Team.


Hello from Lorraine and the Team!

We are delighted that you have found us and look forward to seeing you inside our membership. This is where our experienced, award winning team can support you and your family. Our team include registered psychologists, psychotherapists, speech and language therapists and occupational therapists. 

EPT Clinic was established in 2019 following Lorraine’s transition from the HSE into private practice. Our neurdiversity pathway offers families everything they need, including support, therapies, training and regular access to us (one session every week!)

Lorraine is passionate about empowering parents and professionals. She began her career working alongside children, parents and educators over 20 years now. She worked as a primary school teacher in both mainstream and special education. Yet, it was her part-time job that really changed the direction of her career, and really, her life!


Do I need an Assessment Straight Away?


 No! If you are wondering about getting support for autism, ADHD, sensory processing, learning or communication needs, then we are ready to help you. And you DO NOT need an assessment first.

Parents are often told by professionals or other people that they NEED to have an assessment to get help for their child BUT... this is simply not true. 

Parents usually KNOW what their child needs help with - emotional regulation, anxiety, concentration, completing tasks... Parents can join our programmes and access our team STRAIGHT AWAY.

We can also support your child's school or preschool, and provide guidance or letters to access supports in line with the Department of Education guidelines. Â