Psychology Autism Support 

Are you a parent or caregiver with an autistic child? Do you want support? Therapy? Guidelines? Do you want to speak with experienced clinicians. Then this programme will help you.

The Neurodiversity Essentials will help you. It is an online therapeutic parent support and training course delivered by EPT Clinic’s experienced, neurodiverse psychology team. The course can also be attended in person in EPT Clinic, Kilkenny.

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About Our Autism Course

This LIVE online (or in person) training is a therapeutic intervention to support parents of an autistic child. This course teaches parents how to help children or teenagers who are anxious, presenting with emotional- dysregulation, sensory needs, dysregulated behaviour, non-speaking, speaking, those with co-existing intellectual disabilities and those who are gifted.

Each group is tailored to the needs of the parents who present on the course, with parent’s concerns and questions answered by experienced, qualified psychologists and assisting clinicians.  

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What is involved?

Parents will:

  1. Access a safe space for to bring their worries, concerns and questions.
  2. Learn about autism in a neuro-affirmative and positive way, referencing the most up to date research.
  3. Receive practical advice on all things autistic or related to child development and neurodiverse parenting.
  4. Have their anxieties and stresses reduced.
  5. Access simple strategies and adaptations that can be made in the home and in school environments to foster an autism informed living and learning experience for your child.
  6. Learn about sensory and emotional regulation enabling families to thrive.

What are professionals saying?

"For me, the development of this programme has been completely changed the level of support we can offer families. The content and the way this programme is delivered to parents is different from other courses because it is therapeutic and person - centred. We see real change every time we deliver this programme. It is so rewarding and a privilage to be part of". 

Lorraine O.B. Madden - Child Educational Psychologist

How to Enrol

You can book this therapeutic training by purchasing your place below. The next group training is on Monday the 2nd and Tuesday the 3rd of September. If you want to access the training sooner on an individual basis, please contact our office on [email protected] We understand how busy families are, so we aim to be flexible to suit your family's needs. 

Buy your place on the next now >>

Mother of a 14 Year Old

"I think this is the best course any parent can do. Safe environment.. non judgemental... allowed to voice my concerns and worries to other parents who are going through the very same journey. Professionals in the field of autism giving you advice and clarity... making you feel empowered about your child. You leave the course feeling so positive.  An absolute gamechanger for our family. My only regret is that I didn't do it earlier". 

Parents of a 6 Year Old Girl

"The insights were so useful... we know that all autistic people experience autism differently, but it was so valuable to learn about it in more detail. It made me think about how we were feeling. Discussing autism informally with other parents going through similar stuff not only lightened the load but also gave us lots of tips. Lorraine was also so full of knowledge and put is across so well. Lastly, getting the validation that some of what we already have in place is probably doing some good".

Emotional Regulation FAQs